clm/snd news

To: cmdist bil
Mon, 5 May 97 07:17:05 PDT

The Snd mixer work is one step further along -- still a
long way to go, but the clm with-sound explode argument
now works (it sets up the notelist result as a giant 
mix in Snd).  Don't try any really large cases yet --
it currently gets cranky if there are more than around
60 mix inputs active.

Also by popular request, the dB fft display finally works
on sonograms and spectrograms, and in the simple case
the fft can be left unnormalized (I tried this in the
sonogram case, but it just washes out all the colors).
And there's a zero-pad variable for the pedagogues
amongst us.

In clm, several long-standing MCL/memory-related bugs
have been fixed.

On the question from Antti Kaihola about Csound --
I believe it has many more users than CLM (this was
a consideration back when I was trying to decide whether
to start from scratch in writing CLM, or simply piggy-back
on CSound).  At this point, I think the two programs are
aimed at different audiences.