Snd mix dialog

Anders Vinjar
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 10:02:37 +0100 (MET)


Transparent interface to lisp, ie. to-snd, from-snd and whatnot, as well
as a script-driven interface capability outside of lisp.  Ability to
receive lists of CLM 'mix' or 'fasmix' calls.

With graphical control of sound placement in time.  User-defined
envelopes on fasmix-type-parameters.  Quick keyboard interface.  Ability
to receive notelists computed in CLM, like the 'section'-section in CLM,
storing temporarily sections of mixes to maybe help computation speed.
Bouncing to sound-files outside of real-time.

All the useful capabilities already in Snd, like markers, regions,
soundfile-lists, automation etc., would be highly appreciated in a
mixer-extension as well.