CM/CLM: dealing with list/array parameters?

Larry Troxler
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 00:18:26 -0400 (EDT)

I've got another question relating to the use of CLM instruments from
within CM.

Often CLM definstrument arguments are lists or arrays (envelope data, for
example). If this data is specified either directly from CM, using "set x
some-env-param '( ....", or by setting a global and naming that global in
the set comand, then the "list" command dumps the entire list or array,
which is not what I want for long sequences. This is especially true for
the case where all instances of a given parameter in a thread are the same
I think that what I would like to be able to do, is to define global
sequences and be able to use their (quoted?) symbol name in the
instrument, which
would be both "list"ed only as the symbol name and not its contents, and
also evaluated at mix time by the instrument and not at set time.

I think that I need to modify the instruments' code to do this, correct?
If what I'm suggesting makes sense, then what is an appropriate lisp
utterance to make this work? I think what I would want to do for
arguments is this: , either use the argument as is if it is already a
sequence, or, if a symbol, evaluate it, assuming the symbol refers to a

I realize that this is more of a general lisp question, since I'm sure
this kind of thing comes up again and again.  Also, I may be barking up
the wrong tree as to what I think I want to do.

So I'd like to hear from you guys!


--  Larry Troxler  --  --  Patterson, NY USA  --