realtime (midI!) in clm

To: cmdist bil
Wed, 9 Jul 97 09:09:45 PDT

It's a bit premature I suppose, but I can't resist:
there's a new version of clm on the ccrma ftp site,
xclm.tar.gz that has support for realtime controls
and readback, including midi; the controls can affect
both lisp and the clm instruments; there are examples
of things like controlling compex FM with sliders
while watching the output waveform and an fft thereof,
or controlling an on-going "compositional algorithm".
Currently only works on the SGI in ACL, but I'm
in the process of extending it to other setups.
This new clm (which will soon(?) replace the old one)
is not backwards compatible with the old version --
you'll need to recompile all your instruments.  This
is first such change in about 2 years, so I hope
it's not an intolerable burden.  Other changes are
listed in the clm news section of initmus.lisp.