CM and Macintosh MIDI Communications

Tobias Kunze
Thu, 2 Jan 1997 04:06:07 +0100


which midi driver are you using? with OMS, you should use the "OMS Midi Manager Driver" (cm needs a midi manager compatible driver interface to connect to).
Also, the driver must be able to open an actual serial port, either the modem
or the printer port.  Both your ports seem to be in use though.  Make sure 
no other software controls the port you have your midi interface connected to.
Typical culprits are Apple Talk (which takes over the  printer port, no matter
whether you use LocalTalk or EtherTalk hardware) or a communications software
which might cling on to the modem port (an internal fax modem?).

I'm workinng on a reimplementation of both the ppc and 68k midi code right now,
so things should get a bit easier (we are ditching the Midi Manager altogehter 
and support OMS only), so hang on.
the Apple Midi Driver or the OMS mid