clm/snd news

To: cmdist bil
Wed, 29 Jan 97 08:17:34 PST

Recent changes to CLM: a new help subdirectory and clm-help function
for quicker access to the documentation and lisp code; more filters in; folded into CLM (mainly to make it easier to
deal with SMS data files in Linux).

Changes to Snd: a new display choice named 'wavogram'; fully rotatable
and scalable spectrograms; dot_size; keypad mappings for various
things (mainly spinning spectrograms); combined channels (for simpler
display of multi-channel files); new "focus style" menu option
chooses what to try to keep in view during zoom; spectrum bug
fixed ([1+1] where [i+1] intended turned it into a sort of sine
transform -- the two look identical with my current glasses, but
bifocals gave me terrible headaches -- my new strategy is to remove
the glasses and sit with my forehead six inches from the screen --
this can't last).