Acl 4.3 and CM

Matti J Koskinen
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 10:39:18 +0200 (EET)

Hi all

I received yesterday a copy of Allegro 4.3 for Linux and compiled Common
Music with it. The compilation went without problems (only warnings about
float-type) and the code looks like working ok. The next thing to do is to
get the midi working. I have tclmidi-3.1f, which can read midi
from keyboard and to integrate mrec and mplay shouldn't be very
complicated (though my knowledge of lisp is very limited). A rather
interesting point is that the compilation with my 486-33 DX took almost an
hour while compiling with clisp it took only just about 15 mins. The code
generated with acl is about 4.5 megs and it is not a loadable module as in
clisp but an executable module with all the common lisp features.

I have not yet made any speed comparisons between clisp and acl generated
cm, but surely will do them when I get more used to acl.
