HELP newbie needs guidance on install/build CM!

Rick Taube
Thu, 9 Jan 1997 08:32:02 -0600

>	Has anyone succeeded in building CMN/CM on a Linux
>	box?

Dont use GCL, it not worth the trouble. Franz Inc is offering their ACL
Common Lisp FREE for Linux, see for more information

>	If you succeeded and you know how you succeeded,
>	would you be willing to give this newbie a simple
>	cookbook for getting through the install?

Lets assume that you installed the sources to CM in /usr/local/lisp/cm
Once you have ACL Common Lisp installed, do:

	(load "/usr/local/lisp/cm/build/make-cm.lisp")

and answer the questions that the script asks you.   See
cm/doc/install.html for more information about installation.

>	Is there a FAQ somewhere that tells me things like
>	"what's CLOS" and "how does LISP work"?

Yes, the comp.lang.lisp has a Lisp FAQ. Lisp is very easy to Learn, and you
dont really need much to understand CM or CLM. THhere is a lisp tutorial
packaged with cm:

I would recomment the tourestky book.

hope this helps,

Rick Taube