Missing functions?

Larry Troxler lt@westnet.com
Mon, 6 Jan 1997 21:43:26 -0500 (EST)

At 03:41 PM 1/6/97 EST, Joel A. Stern wrote:
>JS>>Is there any logical reason why "between",  "pick", and "pickl" don't work
>JS>>me in cm ... ?
>>you dont say which lisp you are using so ill assume clisp.
>>perhaps you are working in a different package than cm's??  try doing:
>>	(cm::between 0 4)
>>and see what happens. if that works
>I'm using CLISP. I tried the above but still got the undefined function
>Any other advice?

I'm also using DOS and CLISP, and sorry to say, it works for me (funny how
it's always _bad_ news in our field, when something works):

---begin CLISP output ---
RSX (32bit rel 5) dpmi 0.9-1.0 extender (c) Rainer Schnitker '93 '94

> *package*
> (stella)
Hang on a second...

Type ? for help.

Stella [Top-Level]: ,*package*
Stella [Top-Level]: (between 2 3)
Stella [Top-Level]:

---end CLISP output---

>Thanks for the info on DOS MIDI in CM. Too bad.
>Tobias: Sorry, I don't know anything about implementing MIDI in DOS.

You could always try using one of the free DOS Midi file players. There's
one in MIDI-Tools, and probably most sound-cards with a MIDI port ship with
a MIDI file player. But I don't remember if CLISP (which is DOS-extended),
can spawn a normal (real-mode) DOS task. I think I tried this and ran into
problems, but I could be wrong - you should try and see.

It's really too bad there isn't a CM for MS-windows which has DDE, DLL
calling, Windows API calls, or some combo of the above. Too bad XLISP-STAT
isn't Common Lisp with CLOS, otherwise it would be ideal! 

Larry Troxler