help newby

Tobias Kunze t@ulysses.Stanford.EDU
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:56:30 -0800

I guess what you want is an series of notes that start at
48 and "step" up to an upper limit (of, say 72) and resets
itself to a new offset each time it hits the limit, right?

Solution 1: don't care about the steps, do the pure math

  (setf note (+ note 2))
  (when (> note 72)
    (decf note 12))

Solution 2: use steps with the INITIALLY-FROM option, then
continue as above

  (setf note (item (steps 2 initially-from 48)))
  (when (> note 72)
    (decf note 12))

Solution 3: transfer control to the item stream

  (setf note (item (steps 2
                          for (items 13 6 in sequence)
                          from (items 48 60 in sequence))))

There are zillions of other solutions, of course.