newbie LISP question

Charles D. Starrett
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 15:57:57 -0500 (EST)

At 10:50 -0800 2/10/97, De Clarke wrote (among other things):

>	what are the features of LISP that distinguish it
>	from other languages and make it better for this
>	kind of work?

You might want to read:

Peter Desain, "LISP as a Second Language: Functional Aspects,"
_Perspectives_of_New_Music_ 28:1 (1990): 192-222.

He talks a little about how LISP is different from less symbolic
environments.  It might answer your question, or it might not, but I think
it's worth a read.

/----Charles D. Starrett-----\
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