Linux ACL / I gotta get me a wavogram...

fled fairlane
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 23:34:58 -0500

I can finally stop lurking now that I have an email address.

>> Matti J Koskinen wrote:
>> I received yesterday a copy of Allegro 4.3 for Linux and compiled
>> Common Music with it. ...

>> A rather interesting point is that the compilation with my 486-33 DX
>> took almost an hour while compiling with clisp it took only just
>> about 15 mins. The code generated with acl is about 4.5 megs and it
>> is not a loadable module as in clisp but an executable module with
>> all the common lisp features.

> Larry Troxler responds:
> "Interesting" is the wrong word, IMO. This is a rather *disturbing*
> point.  I had assumed that Allegro would be better than CLISP (which I
> was using on DOS), but now I wonder which is really better. Take a
> look at the ACL installation guide for some horror stories about sizes
> on different platforms. Hopefully, ACL will make up for it in speed of
> executing compiled code.

CLISP does not really compile -- it just reads the code and then
writes a file which will be easier to read the next time around (it
byte compiles it). Comparing the compilation time of CLISP to ACL is
not fair. ACL seems to compile to machine code, and probably does a
lot more optimization as well.

I just got ACL today and it took ~15 minutes to compile CLM and
~10 minutes to compile CM on my Linux 586 100mhz. The image size is
about the same as it was with CLISP.

Even having used ACL for only a day I would vouch that ACL is 1000
times better than CLISP. It still amazes me that Franz actually sent
me a CD in the mail for free.

> On  Wed Jan 29 Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
> Changes to Snd: a new display choice named 'wavogram'; fully rotatable
> and scalable spectrograms; dot_size; keypad mappings for various
> things (mainly spinning spectrograms); combined channels (for simpler
> display of multi-channel files); new "focus style" menu option

I wasn't going to ask for this but I have to have a wavogram ;-)
Could an executable for Snd that is statically linked against the
Motif libraries be placed on the FTP site for us poor souls that do
not have the $50 to send Metrolink?

sam heisz