Bug in CMN (21/8)

Jacques Duthen duthen@club-internet.fr
Wed, 31 Dec 1997 13:28:22 +0100

Jacques Duthen wrote:
> When I try the following example, the first two notes
> are ok, but the following ones are displayed in the second
> measure though they should be in the first one.  The remainding
> notes are displayed outside the staff (after the right end).

I investigated a little:  it's a bug ;-)

This seems to be due to the 'rest' object: 

if I replace "(rest (rq 5/2))" by a note, say "(g4 (rq 5/2))",
the bug disappears.

or if I replace:
   (f4 (rq 1/2))   (f4 (rq 1))     (rest (rq 5/2))
   (f4 (rq 1/2))   (f4 (rq 1/2))   (rest (rq 3))
the bug disappears too.

Please, can you tell me if it can be fixed?
TIA                                                          [jack]
| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | Jacques Duthen   [jack] |
| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | duthen@club-internet.fr |