Bug in CMN (21/8)

Jacques Duthen duthen@club-internet.fr
Tue, 30 Dec 1997 03:15:50 +0100

Happy new year everybody!

When I try the following example, the first two notes
are ok, but the following ones are displayed in the second
measure though they should be in the first one.  The remainding
notes are displayed outside the staff (after the right end).

Am I doing something wrong?

Or is this a bug?

Thanks for any help.

| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | Jacques Duthen   [jack] |
| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | duthen@club-internet.fr |

(in-package "CMN")
(cmn (output-type :qddirect)
     (size 18)
     (page-width 20)
     (layout :old-style)
     (section (system bracket
                      (staff nil
                             (staff-name "Drum")
                             (meter 21 8 invisible
                                    (beaming '(2 2 2 2 3/2 1)))
                             (engorge (list (f4 (rq 1/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1))
                                            (rest (rq 5/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1))
                                            (rest (rq 5/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 3/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1)))))))
     (section (system bracket
                      (staff nil
                             (meter 21 8 invisible
                                    (beaming '(2 2 2 2 3/2 1)))
                             (engorge (list (f4 (rq 1/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1))
                                            (rest (rq 5/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1))
                                            (rest (rq 5/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 3/2))
                                            (f4 (rq 1))))))))