Horrible CM archive bug!

Rick Taube taube@uiuc.edu
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 09:31:08 -0500 (EST)

depending on the value of *pprint-archive*, cm uses either WRITE or PPRINT
to print the external form of an object. The default for *pprint-archive*
is nil.  If your value is T try setting it to nil. If the problem presists
(I cant remember if WRITE respects *print-length* or not and I dont have a
cltl2 handy) then I guess archive-object should rebind that variable. In
that event, try changing its definition to

(defun archive-object (objects pathname &key (verbose t)
                                              (pprint *pprint-archive*))
  (let ((*print-length* nil))

>It seems that changing the *print-length* setting on ACL/Linux affects the
>archive command!
>After many painstaking hand-edits last night, it wasn't my intention to
>only save the first 10 objects in each container, followed by three dots!
>What's the best way to fix this?
>--  Larry Troxler  --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --