piano.ins problems in CM (again)

Rick Taube taube@uiuc.edu
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 09:07:03 -0600

>I've reported the problem 'couple of times and finally given up.
>It is absolutely necessary for a clm instrument to have a
>standard, non-keyword/optional, etc. <start> parameter as their

no, the clm instrument's <start> parameter is only by default the first
parameter, you can specify some other parameter (or no parmaeter) using the
:time-parameter option to definstrument. i dont know if this capability is
in your version of cm or not (i just got back and havn't had time to build
the system here, try or searching for "time-parameter" in the clm.lisp.)
-- it certainly is working in the upcoming release and is documented in the