piano.ins problems in CM (again)

Larry Troxler lt@westnet.com
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 21:20:57 -0400 (EDT)

Ok, you may remember that I reported problems with using the piano.ins
in the CLM distribution, on Linux ACL with CM and CLM loaded.

I have now tried this with the current CLM in pub/lisp, and I still have
the problem. However, I made one discovery: While mixing to a .snd file
directly (in CM) doesn't work (just plays a single note with all the wrong
parameters); If I mix to a CLM score ("test.clm"), then everything sounds
ok. (*)

I just thought I'd throw this out, in case Rick or someone else can easily
guess what the problem is. Otherwise, I think I'm getting familiar enough
with this that I can problem debug it on my own. So, there is no need to
spend a lot of time, unless you want to :-)

(*) Well, everything sounds _almost_ ok. I don't hear the contribution of
the tip jar which is sitting on the piano. Sometimes, when there are drink
spills on the piano, the tip jar is able to slide around and sometimes
vibrates audibly. I think that with about 10 more parameters, we should be
able to model this :-)



P.S. I almost forgot: Here's a CM session log:
Starting image `/p2/usr/cm/cm'
  with no arguments
  in directory `/LOC/'
  on machine `localhost'.

Allegro CL 4.3 [Linux/X86; R1] (12/11/96 1:33)
Copyright (C) 1985-1996, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA.  All Rights

;; Starting socket daemon and emacs-lisp interface...
;; Optimization settings: safety 1, space 1, speed 1, debug 2.
;; For a complete description of all compiler switches given the current
;; optimization settings evaluate (EXPLAIN-COMPILER-SETTINGS).

[changing package from "COMMON-LISP-USER" to "COMMON-MUSIC"]
CM(1): :cl lt
; Fast loading lt.fasl
Warning: *SOUND-PLAYER*, :VARIABLE was defined in ./defaults.lisp and is
         being defined in lt.lisp
;   Foreign loading /p2/usr/local/cm/clm_lnxacl_RC-TEST.so.
;   Foreign loading /p2/usr/local/cm/clm_lnxacl_EXPINS.so.
CM(2): ;; ^^ load some customizations, etc.

CM(2): :cl my-piano
; Fast loading my-piano.fasl
;   Foreign loading /p2/usr/local/cm/clm_lnxacl_P.so.
CM(3): ;; ^^ really just a copy of clm/piano.ins.

CM(3): (stella)
Hang on a second...

Type ? for help.

Stella [Top-Level]: (make-instance 'p) ; to get around ACL bug.

#<(P#<Printer Error @ #x8a6932a>
Stella [Top-Level]: "^^ THere's one problem :-)"
"^^ THere's one problem :-)"
Stella [Top-Level]: new thread t1 *top-level*

Stella [Top-Level]: go t1

Focus:     T1
Type:     Thread
Status:   Normal
Objects:  0
Start:    unset

Stella [T1]: new p 2
Slots and values: rhythm 1 duration 1.1
New object position: (<cr>=T1) 

Stella [T1]: set 1 keynum 50

Stella [T1]: set 2 keynum 52

Stella [T1]: show 1

Object:    #<(P#<Printer Error @ #X8a6b412>
Type:     P
Status:   Normal
Position: 1 in T1
          Container                     #<THREAD: T1>
          Flags                         0
          Time                          unset
          Rhythm                        1
          Instrument                    unset
          Unacordagain-Table            NIL
          Unacordagain                  NIL
          Drypedalresonancefactor-Table NIL
          Drypedalresonancefactor       NIL
          Soundboardcutofft60-Table     NIL
          Soundboardcutofft60           NIL
          Pedalenvelopet60-Table        NIL
          Pedalenvelopet60              NIL
          Pedalresonancepole-Table      NIL
          Pedalresonancepole            NIL
          Sustainpedallevel-Table       NIL
          Sustainpedallevel             NIL
          Drytapampt60-Table            NIL
          Drytapampt60                  NIL
          Drytapfiltcoefcurrent-Table   NIL
          Drytapfiltcoefcurrent         NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeftarget-Table    NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeftarget          NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeft60-Table       NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeft60             NIL
          Releaseloopgain-Table         NIL
          Releaseloopgain               NIL
          Singlestringpole-Table        NIL
          Singlestringpole              NIL
          Singlestringzero-Table        NIL
          Singlestringzero              NIL
          Singlestringdecayrate-Table   NIL
          Singlestringdecayrate         NIL
          Stiffnesscoefficient-Table    NIL
          Stiffnesscoefficient          NIL
          Detuning3-Table               NIL
          Detuning3                     NIL
          Detuning2-Table               NIL
          Detuning2                     NIL
          Strikeposition-Table          NIL
          Strikeposition                NIL
          Softgain-Table                NIL
          Softgain                      NIL
          Loudgain-Table                NIL
          Loudgain                      NIL
          Softpole-Table                NIL
          Softpole                      NIL
          Loudpole-Table                NIL
          Loudpole                      NIL
          Singlestringdecayratefactor   NIL
          Strikepositioninvfac          NIL
          Longitudinalmode              NIL
          Pedalpresencefactor           NIL
          Stiffnessfactor-Table         NIL
          Stiffnessfactor               NIL
          Detuningfactor-Table          NIL
          Detuningfactor                NIL
          Amp                           NIL
          Release-Time-Margin           NIL
          Pedal-Down                    NIL
          Strike-Velocity               NIL
          Keynum                        50
          Duration                      1.1

Stella [T1]: show 2

Object:    #<(P#<Printer Error @ #X8a6b532>
Type:     P
Status:   Normal
Position: 2 in T1
          Container                     #<THREAD: T1>
          Flags                         0
          Time                          unset
          Rhythm                        1
          Instrument                    unset
          Unacordagain-Table            NIL
          Unacordagain                  NIL
          Drypedalresonancefactor-Table NIL
          Drypedalresonancefactor       NIL
          Soundboardcutofft60-Table     NIL
          Soundboardcutofft60           NIL
          Pedalenvelopet60-Table        NIL
          Pedalenvelopet60              NIL
          Pedalresonancepole-Table      NIL
          Pedalresonancepole            NIL
          Sustainpedallevel-Table       NIL
          Sustainpedallevel             NIL
          Drytapampt60-Table            NIL
          Drytapampt60                  NIL
          Drytapfiltcoefcurrent-Table   NIL
          Drytapfiltcoefcurrent         NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeftarget-Table    NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeftarget          NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeft60-Table       NIL
          Drytapfiltcoeft60             NIL
          Releaseloopgain-Table         NIL
          Releaseloopgain               NIL
          Singlestringpole-Table        NIL
          Singlestringpole              NIL
          Singlestringzero-Table        NIL
          Singlestringzero              NIL
          Singlestringdecayrate-Table   NIL
          Singlestringdecayrate         NIL
          Stiffnesscoefficient-Table    NIL
          Stiffnesscoefficient          NIL
          Detuning3-Table               NIL
          Detuning3                     NIL
          Detuning2-Table               NIL
          Detuning2                     NIL
          Strikeposition-Table          NIL
          Strikeposition                NIL
          Softgain-Table                NIL
          Softgain                      NIL
          Loudgain-Table                NIL
          Loudgain                      NIL
          Softpole-Table                NIL
          Softpole                      NIL
          Loudpole-Table                NIL
          Loudpole                      NIL
          Singlestringdecayratefactor   NIL
          Strikepositioninvfac          NIL
          Longitudinalmode              NIL
          Pedalpresencefactor           NIL
          Stiffnessfactor-Table         NIL
          Stiffnessfactor               NIL
          Detuningfactor-Table          NIL
          Detuningfactor                NIL
          Amp                           NIL
          Release-Time-Margin           NIL
          Pedal-Down                    NIL
          Strike-Velocity               NIL
          Keynum                        52
          Duration                      1.1

Stella [T1]: open test.snd srate 44100 channels 2
Stream: #<File: "test.snd">
Stella [T1]: mix
Mix objects: (<cr>=T1) 
Start time offset:(<cr>=None) 
File: test.snd
Channels: 2
Srate: 44100.0
Reverb: None

Stella [T1]: " only heard one note, which doesn't sound right anyway"
" only heard one note, which doesn't sound right anyway"
Stella [T1]: open test.clm
Stream: #<File: "test.clm">
Stella [T1]: mix
Mix objects: (<cr>=T1) 
Start time offset:(<cr>=None) 
Play file test.clm? (<cr>=Yes) 
File: /p2/usr/local/cm/test.clm
Channels: 1
Srate: 22050.0
Reverb: None
; Loading ./test.clm

Stella [T1]: (cat "test.clm")
;;; Common Music output: 19-Aug-97 19:43:19
Stella [T1]: " ^^ Doing it this way, I hear both notes and it sounds like
a piano, even!"
" ^^ Doing it this way, I hear both notes and it sounds like
a piano, even!"
Stella [T1]: 
--  Larry Troxler  --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --