changing only velocity

Larry Troxler
Sun, 17 Aug 1997 14:43:16 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 17 Aug 1997, Charles Shehadi wrote:

> Hello all:
> Once you've sent a note to the synthesizer...
> (midi-write-message (make-note-on 1 pitch velocity))
> is there any way to change the velocity without creating a new note-on?

No. This is the way the MIDI spec works. Velocity is part of the MIDI
note-on message.  

What you want to send is key aftertouch messages (also called polyphonic
aftertouch or key pressure). Or channel aftertouch, if your synth doesn't
do anything with poly aftertouch.


> Also... is there any way to change the attack and decay settings for an
> instrument in general midi?

I don't know if general MIDI has assigned controllers for attack and
decay, but I really don't think it would.

But maybe your synth has controllers or sys-ex messages assigned for this.
Look in the manual.

--  Larry Troxler  --  --  Patterson, NY USA  --