CM in DOS now working

Larry Troxler
Fri, 2 Feb 1996 15:52:30 -0500 (EST)

At 01:46 PM 2/2/96 -0600, Rick Taube wrote:
>The lastest archives  on ccrma-ftp are now working in CLISP/DOS. 

Thanks! I'll try it tonight.

>I  need a little
>help understanding DOS .bat files 

Good news  - there's not that much to understand; they're not very powerfull :-)

If you type >HELP at the DOS prompt you will get interactive help, and one
of the topics is batch files. If more convenient, I could capture the
relevant text and send it to you.  

Do you have any specific questions?

>and what if any MIDI drivers are
>available for DOS... 

There's no "standard" and/or device-independent MIDI driver for DOS.

There's probably some public-domain code for the Roland MPU-401 interface
around, but I don't remember what or where. Hopefully someone else will be
of more help.

Programming for MIDI is much easier in Windows, where there's a useable,
device-independent API for MIDI.

Larry Troxler