CLM filter-design package

Anders Vinjar
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 23:46:30 +0200 (MDT)

Wonderful aid found in 'fltdes.lisp'.  However, i have trouble with a
program which could prove to be very useful: 'design-IIR-9'.  I want this
to design good Butterworth bandpass-filters.

When trying this out with various arguments to the parameters, it just
gives me NIL back.  Has anyone a clue as to whats happening?  I dont have
any source of Parks&Burros around, and im not able to catch anything from
stepping through the thing.  

Btw., there were some minor typos in the file, Ive changed it according
to intuition in the diffs included below :)  Needs a look-over by some
qualified personell.



< 				       (- 1.0 (sqrt elp1-dn sm)))))
> 				       (- 1.0 (sqr (elp1-dn sm))))))
< 				    (- 1.0 (sqrt elp1-dn sm))))
> 				    (- 1.0 (sqr (elp1-dn sm)))))
<     (if (and (oddp parm-n2) (= parm-kf 3)) (setf k 1))
>     (if (and (odd parm-n2) (= parm-kf 3)) (setf k 1))