linux cm

Tobias Kunze t@ulysses.Stanford.EDU
Mon, 9 Dec 1996 12:59:12 -0800

 | After getting to know with cm, i tried to use it under
 | linux and gcl, but the build crashes in utils2.lisp in
 | setf-find-object line: setf (slot-value element 'id) id),
 | that SETF form can't be expanded.  CLisp and dos version
 | works fine. The source is cm.tar.gz from ccrma.

I don't know what the problem with the setf method is, but
in general you don't want to use gcl.  cm requires CLOS,
which gcl does not have.  As a result, you have to use pcl,
which is a pain.  But since you are running Linux, you
might as well get the free ACL as soon as it's available
later this month.  See for information.

 | Another question. Is it hard to put midi-output also in
 | linux? Next code might be as an example.

We are rewriting large parts of the midi code right now and
will tackle Linux real soon, I believe.