some questions

Rick Taube
Tue, 31 Dec 1996 15:50:44 -0800

>1.) Each time I boot Common Music, I have to load the
>"pathname-translations.lisp" file which tells Common Music where on my
>hard disk the "ccl" interfaces are.  Is there any way to have this file
>load automatically when I boot up Common Music?  (likewise, there are
>other files that I'd like to have loaded automatically when I boot).

Yes. CM will autoload a file called "cminit.lisp" or "cminit.fasl" if you
put it in the same directory as the CM Image.  If you dont want to put it
there, you can specify some other directory for "site" files  when you
build CM using make-cm.lisp

>Why would changing packages prevent my PICT resource from loading?

dunno off hand. make sure that the listener and the edit buffer are set to
CM. then prefix all the ccl functions with their package prefix and it
should work since that is what cm itself does. or send me a small buggy
version and ill send you the fix. see the next answer for more info.

>3.) Is there any way around writing "ccl:" before every call to a mcl
>interface function.  I tried (use-package 'ccl) but I got an error that
>there are too many conflicting symbols.

Yes, you can import just the set of symbols you need in one call to IMPORT.
see common lisp's documentation on IMPORT. Make sure you import the symbols
BEFORE you use them in your code.  it might be good to add this to your
cminit.lisp file, for example.