some questions

Charles Shehadi
Mon, 30 Dec 1996 21:53:33 +0000

Hello, and thanks for your help in the past...

I have a three questions:

1.) Each time I boot Common Music, I have to load the
"pathname-translations.lisp" file which tells Common Music where on my
hard disk the "ccl" interfaces are.  Is there any way to have this file
load automatically when I boot up Common Music?  (likewise, there are
other files that I'd like to have loaded automatically when I boot).

2.) I borrowed some code that lets me display a picture in a
tool-palette window.  Here it is:

(defclass color-palette (ccl:windoid)
  ((pict-hdl :initarg :pict-hdl :initform nil :reader pict-hdl)))

(defun show-color-palette ()
  (let* ((pict-hdl (ignore-errors
                    (ccl:with-open-resource-file (refnum
:if-does-not-exist nil)
                      (let ((pict-hdl (#_Get1Resource :|PICT| 129)))
                        (unless (or (ccl:%null-ptr-p pict-hdl)
                                    (ccl:%null-ptr-p (ccl:%get-ptr
                          (#_DetachResource pict-hdl)
         (height (if pict-hdl 64 10)))
    (make-instance 'color-palette
      :view-size (ccl:make-point 104 height)
      :pict-hdl pict-hdl)))

It works fine as long as I'm in the "ccl" package.  If I try it in the
"cm" package, I get no errors and it displays the windoid, but doesn't
load the PICT resource (the palette shows up with no picture in it).

Why would changing packages prevent my PICT resource from loading?

3.) Is there any way around writing "ccl:" before every call to a mcl
interface function.  I tried (use-package 'ccl) but I got an error that
there are too many conflicting symbols.
