frankenstein and clm

David A. Jaffe
Tue, 7 Nov 95 12:09:50 -0800

>As I understand it, this box has only analog output, and each dsp's
>output is added to the output stream as an analog signal. 

This is how the current prototype works, but we all wants digital output, so that's in the plan for the "real" version.  In that version, we will chain the DSP serial ports so that a set of DSPs can be made to run in series. In this case there's an implied delay between each DSP on the order of the sound buffer size (which we're planing to make smaller) and any DSPs that are digitally chained would be "sample synchronous" (actually "buffer synchronous").

>I believe it will be only a week or so of work to add support for it in CLM, and may do so as an experiment. 

If you still have the old DSP support around, it should be trivial to support the Frankenstein in the same way you supported the other cards.  If you're talking about real-time, it may be longer.