clm & CM

To: Clinton R Lefort bil
Fri, 9 Sep 94 07:35:35 GMT-0700

I've been getting help from several Mac experts lately, so the
Mac version of CLM is slowly becoming usable, but it's still
very slow and tedious -- I wish I could recommend it, but...
Anyway, if you have the latest clm (or at least one where
mac.lisp has a working "start-dac" function), then the
following steps should get it to run:

fire up MPW, set the directory to the clm directory, then
in the MPW window:

C -d MAC headers.c<ENTER> -- "<ENTER>" = the enter key
C -d MAC merge.c<ENTER>
C -d MAC -s CLIO io.c<ENTER>
C -d MAC -s CMUS cmus.c<ENTER>

start MCL, open all.lisp, fix the pathnames to point to
your versions of:

clm = the clm directory
clib = the MPW CLibrary
mpwlib = the MPW main library

These are set in statements like:

(setf (logical-pathname-translations "clm") '(("**;*.*.*" "Macintosh HD:bil:clm:**:")))

which means that I put the clm sources in a folder called clm
itself in a folder called bil, itself on a disk called
Macintosh HD.

Then save all.lisp, and in the MCL window,
(load "clm:all.lisp")

I hope eventually to get the C stuff precompiled and loaded
into a library, so nobody will have to run MPW explicitly,
but that currently seems to confuse MCL.  Also, I'd like
to make the instrument C compilation automatic like it is
on other machines, but that appears to mean using "events"
and "scripts" on the Apple.