headers/data types in CLM

Bill Schottstaedt bil@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon, 7 Mar 94 08:09:31 -0800

I've added support for more header types and data formats to CLM.

Currently supported read/write:                            NeXT/Sun/DEC 16-bit linear, with AFsp extensions to the header
     AIFF 16-bit linear
     RIFF 16-bit linear

Currently supported read-only:
     NeXT/Sun/DEC 8-bit mulaw, 8-bit linear, 24-bit linear, 64-bit double,
            32-bit linear, 32-bit float, 8-bit alaw, 16-bit emphasized
     AIFF 8-bit signed, 8SVX 8-bit signed
     IRCAM 16-bit linear
     NIST-SPHERE 16-bit linear
     INRS, ESPS 16-bit linear
     RIFF 8-bit alaw, 8-bit mulaw, 8-bit unsigned, 32-bit linear
     VOC 8-bit signed(?)
     no header (will prompt for info it needs)
     Sound Tools 8-bit unsigned(?)
     Turtle Beach SMP 16-bit linear

     Sun/NeXT compressed
     AIFC compressed, HCOM, MOD, Mus10, SAM
     Sound Designer formats

In some cases, I haven't been able to test the code yet --
many sound files don't seem to match the documentation, and
I am still looking for examples of some of these formats.
If one you like is not supported, send me a description of
it and preferably an example.  The only limitations I have
are that CLM needs to be able to write an arbitrary length
comment in the header, and it needs random access to the actual
data -- the latter means that complicated compression schemes
involving blocked data are out, the former means that the only
header format I know of that I can use but don't already is

Also, CLM can now take advantage of the Ariel PC56D under

>From hkt@zkm.de Wed Mar 30 09:59:40 1994