[anet08banff] REMINDER Call for applicants to 2 ph.d. positions in Tromsø at Verdione/World opera project OBS due August 21st. 2009

Lund Niels Windfeld niels.windfeld.lund at uit.no
Fri Aug 14 03:40:15 PDT 2009

excuse for cross-posting

Dear colleagues and friends 

Just a reminder of  2 ph.d. positions for the Verdione / World opera
project in Tromsø affiliated at the Computer Science department in Tromsø,
see more here: 

The Ph.D. project will focus on the coherence, consistency, causality and
synchronicity arising when combining distributed physical and virtual

The Ph.D. project will focus on merging physical and virtual realities.
Artists and the audience at one location must blend with the other
participating locations into a coherent presentation, merging the local
physical reality with the visualization of the remote locations. The
research is systems oriented where systems are designed, implemented and
experimented upon.

Please forward to your colleagues, especially fresh graduate students from
masterprograms, ready for 3 years in Tromsø working on making the
distributed opera stage into reality within 3-4 years. Do not hesitate to
ask and comment.

All the best 

Niels Windfeld Lund
professor, University of Tromsø
general manager, The International World opera 

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