[anet08banff] bios

Chris Chafe cc at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:22:29 -0800

If you are presenting (in person or online), please send Allyson Rogers
(cc'd above) a short bio. She'll include on the website.


Current topic roster: (more are welcome)

Álvaro Barbosa
  Public Sound Objects Project 
Robert Hamilton
  Networked gaming platforms as musical performance environments
Niels Lund      
  World Opera Project
St. Lawrence String Quartet
   w/ Barry Shiffman, Quintet of the West
Pauline Olveros
  Telematic Circle
Mihir Sakar
  Tabla Duos at Distance w/ prediction
  Beijing / Stanford Pan-Asian Festival
Sarah Weaver
  Sound Painting and Compositions 
  for linked ensembles
Ge Wang
  laptop orchestra music
Juan-Pablo Caceres and Alain Renaud
  Frequenciliator performances
Pinchas Zukerman
  remote master classes