[anet08banff] Welcome and some info

Chris Chafe cc at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu, 31 Jan 2008 18:05:11 -0800

Hi all,

I'd like to make a quick welcome note and say thanks for signing up to
stay in touch about the Summit at Banff. 

Here's a bit of recent information for anyone attending but not wishing
to stay at the centre for meals and lodging: your only expense in this
case is a registration processing fee of $59 Canadian. We'll have the
exact price for the package as soon as registration goes online.

I've confirmed a music session the evening of 12-Aug with the St.
Lawrence String Quartet in performance from California playing a quintet
with Barry Shiffman on viola in the hall at Banff.

Please feel free to mail questions to this list. We're organizing
sessions and it would be great to have an idea of your possible
contributions. Some contributors will be networked in via
