[mus422] Class project - Important points

François Germain fgermain at stanford.edu
Mon Feb 18 17:36:13 PST 2013

Hello class,

Here are some important points about your project:

* Please *send to Marina (mbosi at stanford.edu) and me an email* as soon 
as your group is formed with the list of members

* Start early *assessing your baseline coder modules* (and pick the best 
one(s)) using the listening tests as described in hw7

* Every group will have to meet with Marina on either Monday 25, Tuesday 
26 or Wednesday 27 to discuss the project proposal. You'll be expected 
to *show a working baseline coder*, and *play some examples from the 
SQAM disk excerpts.*

* Common ideas regarding additional features you can consider for your 
coder include Huffman coding, variable date rate coding, stereo coding, 
block switching. You're also encourage to look at features existing in 
other coding schemes, such as MPEG-1 and 2 (assigned readings for the 
next couple of weeks), or Dolby AC-3 as presented by Louis Fielder on 

* Think about a timeline for your implementation so as to keep realistic 
goals. The requirement about quality for your final coder (as described 
in hw6) is an important criterion in the evaluation of your project.


François Germain

Teaching Assistant / PhD Candidate
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Stanford University

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