[mus422] [Music 422] HW5 clarifications

François Germain fgermain at stanford.edu
Wed Feb 13 15:19:09 PST 2013

Hello class

Here are a couple of clarifications about homework 5:
* In 1.b), "hard-coded" means you can write a one-line functions which 
just return a vector "return np.array([1,5,...])". The functions don't 
have to contain any other code. Of course, you have to find a way to get 
to a good solution (by hand is fine, but check that your solution does 
obey the requirement).

* Uniform allocation means uniform number of bits *per line, not per band.*

* In the uniform allocation, you can allocate the same number of bits 
per line in each band but it's also ok to allocate one more bit to some 
bands if you've got more to allocate. Here "uniform" would mean that all 
the bands have to have _either n or n+1 bit/line_. Know that for coder, 
lower bands are usually privileged for the attribution of extra bits.

* _Every function has to return the number of bits allocated *by line* 
in each band_. For example if the function _returns an array whose first 
element is 4_, that means that for the band n°1, _you'll use 
4*nLines[0]_ (index 0 for first band) from the budget.

* A new version of bitalloc.pyc has been uploaded on the website.

* In the scaleFactorBands class, be careful that the convention is that 
_to access all the lines of a band_, you call 

Please let me know if any of this is unclear,

François Germain

Teaching Assistant / PhD Candidate
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Stanford University

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