[mus422] CCRMA building access note

Craig Sapp craigsapp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 17:18:15 PST 2010

Hello Music 422 Class (mostly the EE students),

If you have a computer acocunt at CCRMA, then you
should also have after-hours building access, which is
tied to your University ID (Hold the ID next to the card
reader near four of the entrances to CCRMA).  It is possible
that your card access might have expired if you created
a computer account from a previous quarter for another class.
If so, then read the next paragraph:

If you cannot open the door with your card after hours, then
give me your SUID number plus the 6 (or 5) digit number on the
back right side of your SUID, and I can get you set up with
24-hour access to the building.

If you are coming to the review session tonight at 6pm, then
you can test your card to see if you can get into the building.
If it doesn't work, then knock on the window of the classroom,
and someone will let you in.


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