[220a] Air Mics | Whale Recordings | Missing Recorders

Nick Virzi nvirzi at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Oct 20 11:44:12 PDT 2021

Hello MUSIC 220A!

Please sign up for an appointment with Victoria Shen to build an air mic 
in the MAX Lab using the following wiki:

Victoria is available on Friday and Monday, as well as by appointment 
outside the posted hours (which are subject to change).

Remember also to send me the recordings and photos made during our whale 
trip last week. We will compile all the files and share them with the 
class as soon as they are in hand.

We are also still missing several field recorders, including 4 Zoom H2n 
recorders that are unaccounted for. Please let me know if you are still 
in possession of a recorder and plan to return it in class next week.

Best wishes,

Nick Virzi, D.M.A.
H&S Dean's Fellow
Department of Music
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Stanford University

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