[220a] reminder: ChucK tutorial

Ge Wang ge at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon, 8 Oct 2007 01:28:08 -0700 (PDT)

Dear all,

As announced, there will be a ChucK tutorial Monday (today) evening
at 7pm in the computer ("ballroom") cluster outside the classroom. 
Attendance is optional but recommended: the tutorial is intended
to get you um, up-and-chucking quickly.  Here is a rough plan:

6:30pm - arrive early if you want help getting ChucK/miniAudicle
          installed on your personal laptop.  Macs, Windows boxes,
          and Linux systems all welcome (chuck is equally capable of
          crashing them all)

7pm - introduction to working with chuck/miniAudicle on the CCRMA
       machines (and on your laptops); dive into programming
       with ChucK (no prior programming experience required);
       workshop style.

(?)pm - take a break, play a little snood, etc.

(?)pm - we'll depth charge on a few topics; and try to answer any
         questions, and go from there.


We'll do another tutorial on Wednesday that will likely be similar 
in format to Monday's.  If there is interest/time, we may hold a
"sequel tutorial" later in the week to show how to use additional
features of the language.  (But we'll uh set explosives on that
bridge when we get to it!)

Thanks and see ya!!
