[220a] final projects

Miriam Kolar kolar at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu, 29 Nov 2007 17:43:32 -0800

Hi 220a,

If you didn't have a meeting with Chris, Ge, and me to discuss your final
project, please send us an email with a description of your plan and any
questions. I will be at CCRMA tomorrow (Friday) during my office hours
(1:30-3pm) if you want to talk in person.

Final projects will be presented during the officially scheduled exam time:

Thursday, 13 December: 3:30-6:30pm

in the CCRMA classroom, with an excursion to the Listening Room.

Each person will have 5 minutes to describe and present (an excerpt of a
longer work, as applicable). We will be running a web browser hooked up to
audio and video in the classroom from one computer due to the time constraint.

Your work (including any audio and/or video) should be presented on a web
page/site. Info on how to make a web page will be posted on the class wiki

Some food will be served after the presentations.

Let me know if you have questions.
